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2021 SAIMS/TMJ Prize Competition Winners


SAIMS is pleased to announce the winners of the 2021 SAIMS/TMJ Essay Prize Competition!

Winner: Carole Lamble (University of Bristol)

Speaking from the floor: explain the presence and purpose of Valencian tiled pavements in Northern Renaissance panel paintings

Proxime: Chris Halstead (University of Virginia)

Heroic Motif and Audience Expectation in Ottonian Elite Texts: Widukind of Corvey, Wichmann the Younger, and Waltharius

SAIMS would like to apologise for the length of time entrants have had to wait to hear the result of the 2021 Essay Prize Competition. All our peer review processes have been slowed down by the pandemic and by the extreme pressures on time that all academic staff have experienced. As a result it was not feasible to run the Competition in 2022.

We look forward to relaunching the Competition in 2023.