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Dr Alison More: Bullough Fellow 24-5

Dr Alison More will be joining the Department of Medieval History, School of History at the University of St Andrews as the Bullough Fellow for the Candlemas semester. Alison is an Associate Professor, Comper Professor of Medieval Studies of St. Michael’s College at the University of Toronto. She is a passionate Latinist and expert on the following areas: Medieval religion and society, manuscript studies, sermons, religious and quasi-religious orders, Franciscan studies, Medieval Scotland and women and gender in the pre-modern world. Alison has written extensively on these topics and recently published the book Fictive Orders and Feminine Religious Identities, 1250-1600 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018).

Professor More will give a seminar paper on Monday 17th February 2025 in the Medieval Studies seminar series and will also lead a workshop on a research topic of her choice; details of this will be confirmed in the new year.